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LUAS Drivers at it again – Row over stupid stuff!

LUAS Drivers at it again – Row over stupid stuff!

Luas Drivers, or rather their union is causing problems again and you have to read this full article as published by to understand how ridiculous the issue is and how unions are (not all, but most!) at total waste of space!

The row is over where 13 LUAS drivers (out of 67) have to have their lunch. Because they can’t have it where they might have parked their car and where they start their shift, they seemingly want compensation. The reason is because they can’t bring a packed lunch anymore but will now have to buy their lunch.

Transdev, their employer, nicely placated them and offers to provide Cooler Bags for lunch transport purposes instead of additional money. Ooops, that’s not what they wanted.

Read that article, it is nearly hilarious!

Misguided Pope Outrage! Focus on the real issues!

Misguided Pope Outrage! Focus on the real issues!

Interesting, these complaints about the Pope’s visit! There is a level of outrage on Facebook that starts getting overboard. I don’t have a problem with people not being keen on the Pope or the Catholic Church or this event. I myself am not a big Pope fan and I won’t go to Phoenix Park or Croke Park, but I have an issue with lies and half-truths, just to justify a bigger “amount” of outrage.

Here are some of the arguments:
1) The horrible pope is costing us 32 mio. taxpayers money.
2) Nobody wants to see the Pope, but he will cost us lots of money.
3) Because of the Pope homeless people will have to stay off the streets over the weekend
4) It is the Pope’s fault that I can’t get out of my house on Sunday

Let’s do a fact check on these reasons for outrage:

1) The horrible pope is costing us 32 mio. taxpayers money.
It is indeed estimated that the visit might cost 32 mio, although nobody really knows yet the exact amount. Of the 32 mio I read that 20mio, the Catholic church is paying and the rest is paid by the state. So then it is 12mio instead of 32mio! In addition, the 32mio is not that huge in comparison to recent state visits: When Obama and the Queen where in Ireland, the combined visit did cost 36mio and of that amount about 15mio were paid DIRECTLY to the Gardai.
Interestingly, most of the 32mio will be paid to people and for services or products in Ireland, so that means the money is staying in the economy and then cycling money is often an important process to stimulate the economy. And why is the whole thing costing that much, well because close to 600,000 people have to be accommodated and a international guest has to be protected.
Look at it this way: The promoter of a big “popstar” has discovered that there is an audience that wants to see that performer. The promoter is certainly keen to run the gig and bring the performer to the country. If no one had requested tickets, there would be no gig in Phoenix Park!

2) Nobody wants to see the Pope, but he will cost us lots of money.
When the invite went out at least 500,000 tickets were requested and this is a lot more than “nobody”. Now protesters will tell you that they all have requested 12 or 24 or thousands of tickets and have no intention to use them. You could argue that this is not very tolerant and open minded, but let’s look at it from a different angle. If we assume that the cost of the visit is 32 mio and 600,000 tickets have been given out, then the 24 tickets a protester might have secured will cost 24 x 53 Euro. So complaining about the cost and sitting on tickets sounds a little hypocritical.
If the fans buy up all the (free) tickets, then the promoter has to prepare for a BIG gig. He can not assume that half of the fans won’t appear.

3) Because of the Pope homeless people will have to stay off the streets over the weekend.
Actually I would be surprised if the Pope had requested or even demanded that!! But maybe it is our government who doesn’t want to seem to have nothing done in that area. So why are people criticising the Pope over the homeless situation this weekend and not the government?
Yes, I know, the 32 mio could have helped a few homeless, but it is not that we would provide housing for everyone if these 32 mio hadn’t been spent. Last year we didn’t know yet that the Pope would come and we still didn’t spend 32mio or even 2 additional mio. It is not the Pope’s fault that the money is not spent where it is needed.

4) It is the Pope’s fault that I can’t get out of my house on Sunday.
Ohh, did he make the plans for traffic diversions and restrictions? Sure if he didn’t come, there would be no traffic restrictions, but the traffic restrictions are caused by the large amount of people that MIGHT come (including the unused protester tickets!) and also by the Gardai in Ireland. Not by the Pope or by the Church! Oh and by the way, the Phoenix Park neighbours who complain so loudly should just for a GAA weekend swap with people around Croke Park to realise how good they have it ALL year every year apart from the odd Pope visit every 40 years or so.

There are LOTs of things you can have a serious issue with the Catholic Church over, but people should stick to the real issues like child abuse and hypocrisy and the attitude to women and LGBTs etc. Yes you can get outraged about all that and you have every right to be. But getting outraged with a person or an organisation over nonsense like road closures etc is just weakening the correct and important discussion about all the other issues.

On Monday the Pope is gone again, I wonder what will cause the next wave of outrage. :-O

So, that’s my outrage sorted! LOL

Life is TOUGH when you are given the correct change!

Life is TOUGH when you are given the correct change!

OMG! What has our world come to? A gentleman was traveling on the DART from Lansdowne Road to Dun Laoghaire and he bought a ticket at the ticket machine. The ticket was EUR 2.70 and he had only a EUR 20 note. So he put the money in the machine and the machine gave him a ticket AND gave him the CORRECT amount of money back. But that didn’t please this gentleman and he had to make a video clip to complain about ….. the fact that the machine gave him the correct amount of money in COINS. What a HORRIBLE and UPSETTING experience!! :-O

The gentlemen was not just anybody, no, it was Conor McGregor’s father and I guess that is one of the reasons why it got picked up by a number of people and then also made it into some media channels. Someone also grabbed the video and made it available for all of us on YouTube so that we can have a laugh or a head-shake about the tough tough life that McGregor’s dad has to endure.

Oh, you wonder WHY getting coins back was a problem? Well, didn’t you know that he wears a “slim-fit, hand-fitted, Hugo Boss suit”, so where in god’s name would he room for coins??

Life is sooooo tough for some!!

Coastal Cycling Route announced – Will it be made of Gold?

Coastal Cycling Route announced – Will it be made of Gold?

The announced on Friday that Fingal County Council has announced that planning permission had been issued for a new coastal cycling route and pedestrian path linking Baldyole and Portmarnock.

New shiny cycling paths are always good news because they benefit cyclists, pedestrians and car users and make life safer for everyone involved and when all is finished the new piece will allow a continuous link between Baldoyle and Malahaide. That’s even better news.

But there is a shocking aspect to that great announcement: The price for that new piece is indicated as in the region of EUR 2.5 mio. Well, 2.5 mio is not too bad for a good piece of cycling path AND pedestrian path, but then I read the article again and discovered that the distance is “nearly 2km”. WOW! More than 1.25 mio per kilometer!?!?

And then the Director for planning and strategic infrastructure at Fingal Council is quote with “The Baldoyle to Portmarnock route is the first phase of a major initiative to provide a Greenway along the entire coastline of Fingal.” The entire coastline of Fingal is 88km long, Does that mean they have EUR 110mio to spend on a cycling path? Or does it mean: It’s a great idea but it will never happen?

The article in the is here:

Mayor No. 349

Mayor No. 349

Every year, Dublin City Councillors elect a new Mayor and last week was that day again. This would be a relevant event in many cities around the world, but not in Dublin. The mayor of Dublin has a big title (“Lord Mayor”), but absolutely no power to change anything. He will move into Mansion House for the year, will cut ribbons and open shops and has the BIG job of turning on the Christmas Lights in December.

Unless we get a directly elected mayor – and this should have happened years ago – he is just a figure head that we easily could do without. :-O Instead of a mayor, an unelected “City Manager” is running Dublin and he often even ignores what the Dublin City Council wants. “In the interest of the people” is different!!

The new mayor is the 349th one. Mad!

The name of the mayor is Nial Ring. Ring was part of disgraced Taoiseach Bertie Ahern’s inner circle in Fianna Fail for many years, but when his party didn’t want to support him when he wanted to be elected as a councillor, he suddenly became a “Independent” candidate. In 2017 he lost his house in Clontarf because he didn’t pay the mortgage payments and had arrears of EUR 500,000, so maybe he is lucky that he can move into Mansion House now.

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