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Nobody is allowed to check the President’s spend?

Nobody is allowed to check the President’s spend?

The job of the “Public Accounts Committee (PAC)” is to check the expenditure of all offices, departments and government agencies to make sure that they don’t waste money and that everything is done and accounted for properly.

They are meant to do that regularly, but oddly it seems that the expenditure of the President wasn’t checked for a much longer time.

Now they have decided to do that checking in the next week. But suddenly the “Secretary General to the Government and Accounting Officer for the Office of the President” has a big problem with that check. He thinks it is even unconstitutional because nobody is allowed to check the President. Interestingly the Taoiseach and the leader of the opposition both also are worried about that check.

Odd! If all is well, nobody should be worried and if things are not well, then we should definitely find out BEFORE the presidential election. Don’t you think?

RTE writes about it here.

Pet Hate Alert: “, and” – Mind your commas!

Pet Hate Alert: “, and” – Mind your commas!

Why, oh why can people not write proper English. I am foreigner and at least I have a semi-acceptable excuse, but the amount of native English speakers (and writers) that ALWAYS put a comma before an “and” is shocking.

An example would be: “At the event, there will be music, dance, and theatre!”

This is WRONG!!!!!! A comma can be put before an “and” but only if the following sentence after the “and” could be a self standing sentence. Do not use a comma before “and” in a list.

And if you tell me now that the comma in a list is an Oxford Comma, then I will ask you next if your publication is the “Oxford University Press”, because that is the publication that came up with the very controversial use of a comma in a list.

New Dublin City Library at Parnell Square

New Dublin City Library at Parnell Square

Dublin will get a new library and the days of the old one in ILAC Centre are numbered. The new location will be on Parnell Square just next to the Hugh Lane Gallery and the final plans have been submitted to An Bord Pleanala. If all goes according to plan, the library will be finished in 2023.

It is a big project, for which 5 (not so nice) Georgian Buildings will get sacrificed. The former Colaiste Mhuire is part of the buildings that will be redeveloped (or replaced). There are some interesting pictures of the new library in the article in here. It looks very pretty and impressive, but that also raises a big question: Does a new library have to look pretty? Or should functionality not take priority?

Have a look at the third picture that shows MASSIVE, not I am talking about M A S S I V E concrete pillars inside the building and a LOT of empty and unusable space. the few little book shelves. I would have the distribution to be the other way around.

Is it expensive, I hear you asking? How does 100 mio sound to you? Lot of concrete, you know! ;-) Dublin City says they will have to pay not more than 45 mio and will magically get the rest from philanthropy.

Fruit Fly Pests

Fruit Fly Pests

Do you also have a Fruit Fly problem this year? I never realised it before, but this year, it seems that even if there is no fruit around, the fruit flies just don’t want to disappear. I even put up one of these ugly looking yellow sticky tapes to get rid of the fruit flies, but they are now so smart that they don’t land on it anymore.

And oddly many other people mentioned it on Facebook or in conversation.

Now, I have to admit that this little common fruit fly, which is officially called Drosophila Melanogaster, fascinates me to a degree, because it is used a LOT for research. EIGHT Nobel prizes have been awarded for research using Drosophila!! :-)

But you know, their lifetime is typically just 10 days and still, they just don’t diappear. Did they enhance their lifetime by mutation? Or now eat other food stuff, so that even the total removal of all fruit won’t get rid of them? Puzzling!!!

If you want to learn more about this annoying and at the same time fascinating animal, have a read here

Ryanair does hate you!

Ryanair does hate you!

It must be hate for its customers, there is no other way I could explain the constant messing around with the rules for baggage. I can’t even keep up with it anymore and to keep it that way, I have to admit that I am going out of my way to avoid flying with Ryanair. Oddly, I like Ryanair – or at least what it had wanted to and did achieve. Without Ryanair we would still pay super high ticket prices for highly inefficient airlines. Ryanair got others to tighten their ship (or plane) to get more efficient and to reduce the profit margins. Thank you, Ryanair!

But now they are changing the baggage rules again and it is ALWAYS getting worse for their customers. We never wanted to bring a huge suitcase on board, we would all prefer to check in our luggage, but Ryanair forced us to re-think. They thought that it would reduce cost for them because baggage handling at the airport is expensive. But people continually increased their bags (despite the bag size checker at the gate) to bring on board and that delayed planes.

Then the told us that Priority customers can still bring their 10kg bag on board, but the rest had to hand it over at the boarding gate (initially they wanted you to check it hand luggage at check in – the contradiction! – , but that was changed) and only a Laptop-sized bag was allowed on board. But the handed over hand-luggage that was to be carried in the hold of the plane was not charged extra.

Now the new change is that UNLESS you pay for priority boarding you will now have to pay for your hand luggage as well. Ryanair claims that they are making this change because planes are getting delayed because people bring too much hand luggage. This is TOTAL nonsense. Since there was a definite 10kg limit for ONE bag only, they can’t bring more than 10kg in one bag. So NO the planes are not delayed because of too much hand luggage. And the ONLY reason why we bring lots of hand luggage anyway is because Ryanair pushed us in the direction of the check-in-luggage-free flight.

You really could get the impression that Ryanair hates their employees (especially pilots and flight attendants) and even more so, they seem to hate us so much that they even lie to us. :-O

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