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Life is TOUGH when you are given the correct change!

Life is TOUGH when you are given the correct change!

OMG! What has our world come to? A gentleman was traveling on the DART from Lansdowne Road to Dun Laoghaire and he bought a ticket at the ticket machine. The ticket was EUR 2.70 and he had only a EUR 20 note. So he put the money in the machine and the machine gave him a ticket AND gave him the CORRECT amount of money back. But that didn’t please this gentleman and he had to make a video clip to complain about ….. the fact that the machine gave him the correct amount of money in COINS. What a HORRIBLE and UPSETTING experience!! :-O

The gentlemen was not just anybody, no, it was Conor McGregor’s father and I guess that is one of the reasons why it got picked up by a number of people and then also made it into some media channels. Someone also grabbed the video and made it available for all of us on YouTube so that we can have a laugh or a head-shake about the tough tough life that McGregor’s dad has to endure.

Oh, you wonder WHY getting coins back was a problem? Well, didn’t you know that he wears a “slim-fit, hand-fitted, Hugo Boss suit”, so where in god’s name would he room for coins??

Life is sooooo tough for some!!

Coastal Cycling Route announced – Will it be made of Gold?

Coastal Cycling Route announced – Will it be made of Gold?

The announced on Friday that Fingal County Council has announced that planning permission had been issued for a new coastal cycling route and pedestrian path linking Baldyole and Portmarnock.

New shiny cycling paths are always good news because they benefit cyclists, pedestrians and car users and make life safer for everyone involved and when all is finished the new piece will allow a continuous link between Baldoyle and Malahaide. That’s even better news.

But there is a shocking aspect to that great announcement: The price for that new piece is indicated as in the region of EUR 2.5 mio. Well, 2.5 mio is not too bad for a good piece of cycling path AND pedestrian path, but then I read the article again and discovered that the distance is “nearly 2km”. WOW! More than 1.25 mio per kilometer!?!?

And then the Director for planning and strategic infrastructure at Fingal Council is quote with “The Baldoyle to Portmarnock route is the first phase of a major initiative to provide a Greenway along the entire coastline of Fingal.” The entire coastline of Fingal is 88km long, Does that mean they have EUR 110mio to spend on a cycling path? Or does it mean: It’s a great idea but it will never happen?

The article in the is here:

Enough of Brexit! Already! – Get on with it!

Enough of Brexit! Already! – Get on with it!

I am an unapologetic supporter of the European idea. It makes 100% sense that smaller nations get together and form a bigger and more powerful union to deal with global challenges. But 51% in the UK thought differently and because of this small majority most politicians in Europe are occupied with that Brexit thing instead of with the solution of REAL problems and issues. In the UK it seems that NOTHING else is happening than discussions about and political resignations over Brexit.

No, Brexit doesn’t make sense, neither on a global political level nor on a strategic level (together we are stronger), but older Brits outside of London seemingly thought that “Make Britain Great Again” would be a desirable goal and after months and months of reading about backstops and the Northern Irish border and idiots like Boris Johnson and the inability (even complete lack of attempt) of the pro-Brexit side in the UK to come up with a workable solution for a separation, I am getting fed up with that Brexit nonsense.

Especially after reading the very pro-Brexit and totally anti-Ireland comments as a response to journalist Gaven Reilly’s Tweet on Thursday here I thought that the best approach might be to just let them go quickly (or alternatively kick them out of the EU fast) and then let them see what mess it will cause. Just F off, Britain! :-S

I do not believe that it will be a possibility to find a border-free scenario between Northern Ireland and Ireland that will be agreeable on all sides. Instead I think we will have to deal with the fact that – for a while at least – there will be a border again between the two countries as it was between other countries in Europe before the Schengen agreement. That is not ideal, but we just have to live with it. It shouldn’t be the biggest problem!

Sure, there are lots more unresolved issues, but do we really want to give a Johnson and Rees-Moog so much power that they tell WHOLE Europe what we have to focus on? Just GO!

Machine Pistols everywhere – But different consequences!

Machine Pistols everywhere – But different consequences!

There were two machine pistol-related articles in last week and there are two completely different consequences coming from the discovery of these guns.

The first article on Wednesday explained that a “member of the public” FOUND a fully-loaded submachine gun belonging to no other than the Garda Siochana. The gun was in a bag in the boot of an armed Garda unit car and it fell out of the car for currently still unknown reasons. The gun was luckily brought to Store Street Garda station and was handed in.

As a consequence of the incident, “A senior Garda officer has been appointed to examine all the circumstances relating to an incident involving an armed unit in Dublin city centre today.”

The second article on Friday described that also on Wednesday a car was stopped in Drogheda and the driver of the car had a large amount of prescription tablets. She was arrested and during a follow-on search a machine pistol and a ammunition were found in a parked car in Drogheda.

The consequence in this case is that the woman will be in court tomorrow and will be charged in connection with the discovery of the machine pistol.

The two stories have nothing to do with each other. In one case it was seemingly a criminal and/or dissident republican that had the gun and ammunition in the car to be used for illegal activities. In the other case it was the law enforcement authorities that had the pistol, but lost it.

Interestingly, though, both sides have very similar weapons and I would always prefer that the law enforcers have better and a lot more weapons than the criminals. The other interesting aspect is that a large part of the Gardai (is it still the majority?) are not armed at all, while the criminals have machine pistols in their cars. Is that a good situation? Me thinks: NO!

And the final aspect: Imagine that Garda machine pistol had been picked up by the “wrong” person. I’d say the Gardai didn’t even realise that it fell out of their car until MUCH later … with no idea where exactly it fell out. :-O Clearly machine pistols are popular in Ireland and finding one on the streets of Dublin is like winning the lottery for the right criminal.

About the consequences: Clearly the Gardai were authorised to have the gun, but the loss of it will hopefully have some consequences for the careless Gardai. And the woman in Drogheda? I wouldn’t be surprised if she will be released again “and a file will be prepared for the Director of Public Prosecution”. If that happens you really have to wonder what a stupid legal system we have in Ireland.

Amalgam in Tooth fillings: Harmless but DON’T use it?

Amalgam in Tooth fillings: Harmless but DON’T use it?

Last week a number of media outlets reported that EU had brought in a law that outlawed the use of Dental Amalgam for fillings for children under 15 and pregnant or breast feeding women. The law is from 2017 already, but it came into effect only on 01 July.

So what is Amalgam? Amalgam is compound for tooth fillings that contains Mercury. Mercury is highly toxic but for some odd reason it is allegedly harmless when in your mouth.

The Irish Times wrote in an article “Mercury is the only liquid metal and, while safe when used in dentistry, has been associated with incidents of poisoning, as in the Bay of Minamata in Japan where, in the 1950s and 1960s, a disfiguring disease was identified to be associated with industrial-scale mercury poisoning.”

So it’s safe, but causes poisoning!? How does that make sense?

The Irish Times continued and claimed that the change was part of the Government’s adherence to the Minamata Convention, a United Nations agreement dating from 2013, which aims to protect human health and the environment by reducing, or eliminating altogether, the use of the chemical element mercury.

But it might not surprise you that the Irish Government delayed the change until the very last moment and that it only did so because of a EU law change.

Interestingly Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Germany have banned or restricted use of amalgam already in 2011. But the Irish Government thought it was appropriate to allow the use for another 7 years! SEVEN!

Now why is this change happening? After all the Health Service Executive in Ireland said that the Amalgam compound was “a safe, reliable and durable filling material, and has been used successfully for over 100 years”. So something safe and perfect will be banned? Isn’t that odd? Bans are normally reserved for dangerous things, no?

Well, interestingly if you are older than 15 or not pregnant, you can currently still get Amalgam fillings DESPITE the fact that many other countries saw the need to ban it.

So is it dangerous or not? Dentists and Health Service Executive tell us that it is safe, but how could they not do that. It would imply that they were lying all along. The ban for children and pregnant women is a clear admission that it is NOT safe.

DON’T use it and tell your dentist that you do NOT want any Amalgam fillings added!


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