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Library fines will be abolished

Library fines will be abolished

Libraries in Ireland are a great resource that could be used a lot more, but if they are used more or not will probably have no impact on society or the economy or the happiness of the nation whatsoever. Reading books is a good thing but there are many ways you can read books and you can get your books. In my opinion the E-Book and Audio book selection has to be expanded significantly and the libraries should allow the users to suggest specific e- and audiobooks for purchase, but apart from that there is not much that needs to change.

Michael Ring, Minister for Rural and Community Development , seems to think differently and I have to speculate that it comes from having nothing else to do in his department. Ring thinks that operating hours for libraries should be extended to 08:00-22:00 on 365 days a year (Who wants to be in a library at 21:00 on Christmas Eve!?!?) and he things that library fines have to go! At the moment the use of libraries is completely free and ONLY if you keep a physical book longer than the allowed loan period of three weeks (I think!) you have to pay a small, but increasing fine when you bring the book back. The purpose of the fine is to make sure that people bring the book back in time. But Ring thinks that it keeps people away from libraries.

In an ideal world nobody will steal and everybody will love thy neighbours. But unfortunately the world is not ideal. That’s why we have laws. And in the same way as there will always be people (including politicians) that will try to “minimise” their tax payments, there will always people that will forget to bring back some or all of their loaned books.

I think we should abolish library fines when we abolish fines for under declaring taxes.

Ring thinks people will bring books back even if there are no fines because the libraries are owned by the communities: Ring thinks people will still return books even if there is no fine.

He said: “I think people will respect the libraries because as I say it is not Government it is community, it is belonging to the people and we want to make these community hubs for the future.”

Is he deluded or absolutely right? What do you think?

Don’t get sick in Ireland!! – Disastrous Irish Health System

Don’t get sick in Ireland!! – Disastrous Irish Health System

What a shocker! RTE News told us Thursday that the number of people in Ireland who are on waiting lists to be treated or seen by a doctor has grown to a shocking number of over 707,000. This is an unbelievably huge number. 15% of the population of Ireland is waiting!! FIFTEEN percent!!

According to the Euro Health Consumer Index from 2017, the number of Irish patients waiting for surgery or an outpatient appointment is “abysmal”. They have concluded that Ireland has the WORST hospital waiting list in Europe.

It is not totally clear how RTE arrived at this number, but there is an Outpatient waiting list of 511,000 and an Inpatient waiting list of 78,000. There is planned procedure waiting list of 12,000 as well and adding all these up comes to around 600,000. so there are still 100,000 missing. But even if the waiting list was ONLY 600,000, that is still more than 12.5% of the population in Ireland.

If you are affected by this, check out the Cross Border Health Care Directive, this article in the outlines what it does.

Bloomsday!?!?! What is that?

Bloomsday!?!?! What is that?

You either love it or you don’t care at all about Bloomsday, there seems to be nothing in between. It is a HUGE day for some and others don’t even know what it is about. If you belong to the latter group, let me help you a bit.

Bloomsday is a made up day and nothing of it is based on real events. James Joyce wrote the book Ulysses between 1914 and 1922 and the book describes one day, Thursday 16 June 1904 when Leopold Bloom, a fictional figure in the book, went about his business from 08:00 to the early hours of the next day. This invented day, lived by an invented person became Bloomsday.

You could compare it to McClane Day! Which doesn’t exist!!! But would be the day just before Christmas when we copy all the things that John McClane did in Die Hard. We go to Nakatomi Plaza for a Christmas Party, have a disagreement in the toilet and then spend the rest of the day to fight against Max Gruber and some terrorists/thieves with all sorts of weapons. So if McClane Day makes sense to you, then Bloomsday will also make sense.

The James Joyce fans dress up like characters from the book in clothes that were worn by people around 1904, then they have a breakfast like Leopold Bloom and visit the locations he went to during the day.

Does that help a bit? If not, get a better description here: :-)

I think we should plan for McClane Day! We just have about 6 months to prepare for it! :-O

Enda Kenny to be named “European of the Year” – Ohh!?

Enda Kenny to be named “European of the Year” – Ohh!?

The reported on Thursday that former Taoiseach Enda Kenny will receive the “European Movement Ireland’s European of the Year Award” and he is getting that prize “for his work in building Ireland’s relationship with Europe throughout some of the most challenging circumstances in our recent history”.

The allows people to comment on news and while it was a big mistake to remove the thumbs down option on these comments, the commenting sometimes gives an interesting insight in people’s thoughts AND there are some hilarious (and some stupid) commenters active on the platform so that it is often worth a read.

The comments to this message were mainly surprise, incredulity and ridicule for Enda Kenny and the prize givers, but most commenters missed the main point…or were somewhat mislead by

Since the headline read “European of the Year”, most would initially think that he was voted the most European person from all over Europe of the Year, but that is not the case. The “European Movement Ireland” only looked at Irish people (or people in Ireland) and that means the list would be VERY short, so it is really the “Irish European of the Year” award. Now suddenly we are not surprised anymore that Kenny got the prize. If you can only choose between a couple of people, then EVEN an Enda Kenny can win a prize! :-O He wouldn’t have a chance otherwise.

Met Eireann are in panic…again!

Met Eireann are in panic…again!

Weather happens, no matter if we like it or not. But Met Eireann seems to be panicked easily and then panics the whole population.

Germany has very hot days and there are regularly VERY severe thunderstorms with dramatic lightning, torrential downpours and hailstones. I was there during the week and the newspapers reported from some locations in the northern half of Germany that had up to 150 litres of rain per square meter. With basements flooded, a shopping centre 1.5m under water etc. Serious stuff! But I never heard that there was an orange or red or yellow weather warning. And even if there had been one, it wouldn’t have stopped the weather.

In Ireland it is different, we have a weather warning. Then we panic and then nothing happens. Again and again and again. On Friday, Met Eireann issued a Status Orange weather warning for heavy rain in 16 counties of Ireland, including Dublin. A third of the torrential downpour from Germany (only 50mm) was expected and nothing happened (at least in Dublin.

Is it not time to overhaul and correct this silly weather warning system that we have at the moment? There is nothing wrong in forecasting bad weather but “crying Wolf” all the time and being totally wrong after an exaggerated warning is not helpful to anyone.

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