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Weather Shambles in Ireland!? Can we handle the weather?

Weather Shambles in Ireland!? Can we handle the weather?

Before I start into this article, let me state – for the avoidance of any doubt – that neither the Irish government nor Irish Water can be made responsible for the weather. Irish politicians would probably love to lay claim to organising the most suitable weather for their constituents and Irish Water is never at fault about anything at all anyway, but we will have to let them off the hook regarding their weather responsibility. :-)

The question that I came across during the week does, however, have something to do with Irish authorities and with their ability (or not!) to forward plan and to do what we need them to do when it comes to weather challenges.

Weather is an important topic in Ireland! We love to talk about it and even more to complain about it. We don’t really have any weather extremes, but you wouldn’t know that if you listen to weather news or read just a normal newspaper.

Oddly, though, we seriously struggle as soon as something out of the ordinary (i.e. 13 degrees and scattered showers) happens. If we have 2 cm of snow, the country comes to a stand still. Traffic collapses, schools close and the country stops operating. On the other end: Give us around 20 degrees for a few weeks with no significant rain fall and we are (nearly) running out of drinking water.

Is this normal? Well, there are countries in Europe that regularly have significant snow fall and just keep going. And there are other countries where they know they will have hardly any drop of rain from Spring until end of Autumn and still, people will water their lawn and drinking water is plentifully available.

We claim that we are not used to it and therefore we struggle dealing with it. Hmmmm, Middle Europe (around Germany) had temperatures of above 35 degrees for well over a week and they are also not used to it, but life continues. Water is still there despite very little rain this year. Mallorca, Fuerteventura and the south of Spain (just to mention a few popular places) have no rain at all in the summer, but there doesn’t seem to be a hosepipe ban. And if we look at the other end of the year: Snow is never guaranteed in parts of Middle Europe. But if there is snow, then they deal with it and continue!

When will we start to prepare for increasing temperatures, lack of rain and occasional snow? The holes in the water pipes need to be plugged asap, we need more deep wells to get better water than surface water and we need to think about water desalination.

But what about winter time? We now do have salt and we have snow ploughs and still there is panic and mayhem. Do we need new rules? Make Winter tyres compulsory? Make it compulsory that house owners clean the footpath?

What do you think would fix the problems in summer and in winter?

National Broadband Plan: The wheels are falling off…and so they should!

National Broadband Plan: The wheels are falling off…and so they should!

A few years ago, the Irish Government decided that every single house in Ireland should get a minimum of 30 Mbit/s of broadband connection. It is a totally crazy idea (and I will explain why) and it didn’t go too smooth yet with delay after delay. A shortlist of companies that wanted to submit a bid to deliver that National Broadband Plan (NBP) was created already in 2016, but not too much happened. This year now the tender document was meant to be issued so that the shortlisted companies can prepare their proposals.

Two companies (Imagine and Gigabit Ethernet) didn’t make it on the shortlist and from three shortlisted companies (Eir, Enet and Siro), Siro (an ESB and Vodafone cooperation) already last year pulled out, which only left Eir and Enet on the list. This week Eir also declared that they are not interested any further and that just leaves Enet. A tender process still has to happen, but with just one bidder, it is virtually certain that Enet will win (as long as they fulfill all criteria). And it also means that Enet will be able to charge nearly whatever they want and the government will have to pay it. But that means YOU and I are paying it!

So that NBP process is already broken and can’t be fixed anymore. Abandoning the whole plan and starting from fresh should be the ONLY option!

How did it come to that mess?

It all started with the nonsensical promise of 30 Mbit/s to every house in Dublin. That is a stupid promise for soooo many reasons. Firstly, it assumes that the broadband service is NEEDED for something. Decades earlier a Universal Service Obligation (USO) forced Telecom Eireann (now Eir) to provide a landline to every house in the country no matter what the cost would be. At the time Telecom Eireann was owned by the government and a landline was seen as a requirement for people who lived in the middle of nowhere to stay in touch and to be able to notify emergency services if something happened. The price was high! Tax payers paid thousands to reach remote houses and it was never the house owner that had to pay, but he/she paid the same as someone in the City Centre where phone lines would be just a few metres away.

The successor to landline services are now broadband services and people living in the middle of nowhere therefore expect that they should now get broadband services for NO extra price. But imagine this scenario: You decide (free choice!) to live in the remotest place in Co. Kerry and you came up with the genius idea that setting up a haulage/transport company for customers on the East Coast of Ireland is the perfect business for you. The streets are not great where you live, but because you decided that trucks need to get to you FAST, you now demand from the government that they will build a motorway to your company. Imagine! Everybody would say you are crazy to expect that and that you chose the wrong place for your company. No taxpayer would agree to pay for essentially a private motor way to you.

If it is a ridiculous idea to build a HUGE road to the remotest place, why is it not a ridiculous idea to build broadband services to the remotest places? Sure if people want to pay the full price for it, they can have it. But to expect that all the other taxpayers will pay for their choice to live far away from infrastructure doesn’t seem to make sense. Right?

Now, we are not unreasonable people, so let’s give them SOME Internet connection. They should also be allowed to order their goods from Amazon of Bookdepository if they want, sending and receiving e-mails is also ok and checking the news on a website is perfectly fine too. But uploading or downloading huge files or Netflix streaming is really not a basic requirement to live!

It could be a requirement for a company, though. but that brings me back to the motorway example: If you need extraordinary infrastructure you either need to pay for it in full or need to go where the infrastructure can be provided in an economically feasible way.

Because you are MUCH nicer and more caring than I am, you probably are now wondering how many houses and businesses we are talking about. I am glad you asked! It is around 900,000 (!) connections that were originally in that National Broadband Plan. That’s a lot of subsidised connections!!

But then something important happened: When all these delays happened, the mobile phone companies, Imagine and Eir grabbed the opportunity and as fast as lightning (they are usually MUCH slower) they built infrastructure to the easy reachable customers. So now more than 300,000 easy reachable customers are already with services and with the low hanging fruit gone, the remaining 500k-600k connections are the ones that nobody really wants because you can’t build a business on that basis.

And suddenly Eir’s withdrawal from the shortlist makes sooo much sense. They don’t want the scraps, the left-overs, the bottom of the barrel. In addition Eir knows, that if Enet wins the contract, Enet will HAVE to use Eir infrastructure to reach these 500,000, so Eir wins ANYWAY. Smart, right!?

So why does the government not stop that silly National Broadband Plan? Because the 500k connections could be around 1mio voters! In addition they seem to think that Ireland depends on the small businesses in the middle of nowhere to remain competitive in the European/international market.

And what would make sense? It would be necessary to draw lines! That means that not EVERYONE will get broadband, but if you live to far away from a city or at least town, then you are on your own! Then the promised/guaranteed bandwidth should be reduced to what is needed, not what would be nice to have. (Nobody NEEDS 30 Mbit/s!) And finally, the National Broadband Plan should be re-started because one really important way to reach any remote locations is via mobile phone data services, so mobile phone service providers HAVE to get involved and the government has to entice them enough to get involved.

80st Birthday!! Ignore it or celebrate it?

80st Birthday!! Ignore it or celebrate it?

Imagine your granddad or grandma had their 80st Birthday today! What would you do? Would you ignore it or celebrate? Would you at least ring them? Buy them (or make them) a cake? Or get a Birthday Card for them?

Interestingly, this week as Ireland’s 80st birthday and it was duly IGNORED! :-O That’s odd isn’t it? Maybe we will have to wait another 20 years until it is worth celebrating? Or maybe what happened 80 years ago wasn’t …..hmmmm…. “juicy” enough to talk about it today?

On 29 December 1937, the Irish Free State became “Ireland” or “Eire” and the Irish constitution from 1922 was replaced by a brand new constitution. There was a referendum about that new constitution on 01 July 1937 and after a majority voted in favour of it, the new constitution came into effect on 29 December.

This means that formally, the Ireland we live in today was born on 29 December 1937 and consequently celebrates its 80st birthday this year. But who is celebrating?

If you want to find out what celebrations there are, you ring some family members, right? Well, I did that! On 29 December, I rang Dail Eireann, but they seemingly weren’t even aware of the birthday and the PR person had left already and won’t be back until next year. Then I rang the Fianna Fail Headquarter and they are all on holidays until 02 January. Then I tried to reach Fine Gael and they are also on holidays until 03 January. I also couldn’t find a newspaper that wrote about this birthday. :-O

So, I guess grandma/grandpa is just unlucky to have a birthday at the wrong time of the year!?

Or could this birthday “ignorance” have something to do with the fact that the current government is from Fine Gael and Fine Gael was the party that campaigned for a NO at the 1937 referendum? They were totally opposed to the new constitution, which was promoted by Fianna Fail??

Let’s ignore any possible reasons and wish: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Ireland! ;-)

Discount food markets in Ireland are most popular shops

Discount food markets in Ireland are most popular shops

Every month, Kantar Worldpanel provides an update on market share of the different food shops in Ireland and the headline this time – at least on RTE News – is “SuperValu remains largest grocery retailer“. This is definitely correct when you look at the market share numbers, but what I find a lot more interesting is that the two discount supermarkets Aldi and Lidl are combined the largest food sellers in Ireland.

They are two separate shops and on one hand you can’t shouldn’t combine their market share. But on the other hand they BOTH have – in contrast to the others – a rather unique approach to selling food, where own branded products is the majority of products.

The figures are SuperValu 22.1%, Tesco 22.0%, Dunnes Stores 21.6%, Lidl 11.8%, Aldi 11.6%

So if you combine Lidl and Aldi, you arrive at 23.4% and if you compare it to how close the other three are to each others, then a lead of 1.3% is HUGE!

There are still people in Ireland that have never bought anything in Lidl or Aldi and there are still parts of Dublin (Castleknock!) that fight tooth and nail against one of the discounters opening in prime locations there. Odd! Maybe it is a type of snobbery? It certainly is not smart.


Apple, Ireland and the Taxes

Apple, Ireland and the Taxes

A school teacher from Mayo and his pack of friends are in trouble for the last few days. Everybody is giving them grief over something that started 10 years ago, even before they had anything to say and were only dreaming of getting the big job.

The bigger boys wrapped our school teacher over the knuckles for something that he didn’t do and maybe didn’t even understand when he found out. But since he is in the driving seat at the moment, it is only fair that he has to take responsibility. And I tell you, he and his mates did screw up! But they screwed up intentionally and would do it again in a heart beat. They took money from these big boys and these big boys are not happy about that at all.

But on the other side, the people our schoolteacher wanted to help with the money (at least that’s what he – probably genuinely thought – are also not happy. And it is not just one gang, but two gangs that are complaining. So the Mayo man gets it from all sides.

We could nearly feel sorry for him….but then he has form on screwing up, he does that regularly probably because he just doesn’t know better, he is just a school teacher, you know and hadn’t learned any better. We all wish we had someone who knew what he or she was doing, but the whole country has NOBODY that knows any better, A little bleak, I know, so we just let him meddle on. Complain regularly, but nothing will ever change.

Our school teacher in this story is, of course, Enda Kenny and the story is about what would be called tax fraud if you and I did it. He and his cabinet weren’t even close to being in government in 2003 (or 2007) when the is special arrangement started. So I have some sympathy with them. The special tax treatment was just another mess that they inherited form the previous Fianna Fail government. BUT they didn’t even try to fix it.

What was happening? Apple (and others do that too!) sold products in other EU countries, but officially all products were sold from Ireland and not from the Apple companies in these other EU countries. So all the money went back to Ireland, even if that shouldn’t have been the case. The other EU countries are (I have to say: understandably!) not happy about that because they lost taxes. But they can’t do much against it, because it is not illegal. They are already annoyed about Ireland just charging this super low 12.5% corporate tax, but that is also not illegal. So they were trying to find something that WAS illegal to shake up the whole cosy arrangement that Ireland has with some companies.

They found out that Ireland is not really charging any taxes at all from Apple because Apple cleverly transferred the income from the other countries from one company in Ireland to another and that other company had got a sweet deal from the Irish government. Still nothing illegal, but dodgy nevertheless AND many would say STUPID!

Apple has a lot of money and to let them run their business virtually tax free in Ireland doesn’t make sense. Sure there are 5000 jobs that they have created, but if they had to pay a few % of tax instead of well below 1%, the deal would still be soooo good, that these 5000 jobs wouldn’t be in big danger.

So the Irish government should certainly have charged them some taxes!

When the other countries found out that Ireland was doing dodgy stuff, they said that this is like paying Apple money for being in Ireland. It is and it isn’t. Either way it is a form of tax fraud. When the guy who imported garlic from China declared it as Apples (which have a significantly lower tax rate than garlic – for NO apparent reason!) he got a prison sentence of 6 (!!) years a few years ago. The Irish government was not doing much else: Re-labelling you could call it! But they are the government, not a garlic importer so they get away with it.

But let’s face it, a little school teacher from Mayo and his gang wouldn’t dare a super big company to pay more, right? It’s an inbuilt inferiority complex that the Irish government has (don’t get me started on offshore oil and how they just give it as a give to the oil companies).

When the EU said that Apple will have to pay EUR 13 billion plus interest, Apple was understandably not too happy about that (despite the fact that they have around $231 billion in cash), the Irish government wasn’t happy either (they don’t like being wrapped over the knuckles and there is definitely a danger that other foreign companies in Ireland also could have to pay a lot of money. I wonder how Microsoft feels about all that!

So the Irish government HAS to challenge the EU decision because of that. They also have to be seen to defend Apple to show other companies that they stand up for the companies that come to Ireland.

But then there is the other side. Because of that inferiority complex, a few years ago the Irish government screwed up when it came to the bank debt and took on responsibility for debt that they shouldn’t have. So these 13bn would help nicely getting rid of some of that debt. Which means now that a lot of people in Ireland say screw Apple, screw the EU and let’s take that money. Maybe we use some of it to pay our debt back, but, hey let’s buy something nice from our windfall. (and that is another opinion).

A right mess? Definitely!! And it looks like a lose-lose situation for everyone involved. Don’t you love politics and even more so, don’t you love our competent politicians? ;-)

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